A powerful internal journey back to your true self:

It’s time to dive deep into soul-level healing if….

…you have a nagging feeling like something’s missing

…you feel like your symptoms don’t add up or make sense

…you’ve tried literally everything and you feel stuck

As a doctor and a chronic illness patient myself, I always felt like something was missing until I discovered quantum science and soul-level healing. In pursuit of a healthy spirit, I reconnected to the Divine, sought out my most authentic self, and allowed healing to happen.

How I got into mind-body-spirit medicine:

At 14, I became severely ill with multiple autoimmune conditions and I didn't respond to conventional treatment. After years of research, I finally saw a naturopathic doctor, and I improved with nutrition, herbs and homeopathy. However during clinical rotations at my 4 years of naturopathic medical school, my health took a dive and I developed fibromyalgia, CFS, POTS, MCAS, CIRS, Lyme, mold toxicity and more. I saw all the naturopathic doctors I knew and we threw everything at it, but my but my health was slipping away.

So I ventured out and found mentors and trainings specializing in complex chronic illness, and I worked at a cutting-edge functional clinic. I improved somewhat, my patients improved, but I realized something was still missing for myself and for many other complex cases I worked with: brain rewiring and energetic/spiritual medicine!

To learn how balance and “rewire” the brain, I studied Polyvagal theory, nervous system regulation, and holistic psychology. To learn how to heal on an energetic/spiritual level, I trained in spiritual sovereignty (embodying our Highest Self), energetic healing, and muscle testing.

I realized brain rewiring and energetic healing actually overlapped; we feel like our safest, grounded, most regulated selves when we are connected to Source/God/Mother Nature, when there are no energy blocks in place, and when our soul is fully inhabiting our physical body.

This spiritual reintegration, nervous system retraining, and energetic healing were so profound in my healing journey from complex illness that I now incoporate these into my practice for anyone who wants these modalities!

I believe true health comes from both a healthy spirit and a healthy phsyical form.

I believe energy flows both ways between the two. Some imbalances show up first in our energetic field and then manifest as physical issues, while other times a physical imbalance (e.g. nutrient deficiency) can impact our energetic field/spiritual body.

Our non-physical parts (our soul, spirit, energy, vitality) impact us significantly, but our physical body is still our vessel during this life, so we need to maintain both. Emotions are the bridge between the two worlds; our emotions are energy but they also have very concrete chemical/physiological expressions. One way we can start to access our spiritual self and our intuition is by fully accessing our emotions and exploring any areas of trapped emotion/trapped energy in the body.

I am in a unique position where I work with both the metaphysical and the physical, and my expert knowledge of the physical workings of the body helps inform and deepen the spiritual health-related guidance I am able to give.

If you don’t want energetic medicine but still want functional and naturopathic health guidance, no worries! I undertand energy work not for everyone. My practice in this area has only strengthened my doctor’s intuition, so you’ll still benefit!